Relapse Prevention White Plains

The main purpose of relapse prevention is to assist addicts in remaining sober following addiction treatment. A strong relapse prevention plan offers coping skills, behavior modification and a clear plan about what to do when trigger or high-risk situations develop.

What is Relapse?

Relapse is the moment when an addict begins using drugs or alcohol after a period of being drug-free or a period of improvement. This can occur after participation in a rehab or recovery program or at any point in an addict's life, as addiction is not curable. Relapse prevention is a combination of various types of therapy with the objective of preventing relapse. For instance, 12-step recovery programs, behavioral therapy, counseling, family and group therapy are all incorporated into prevention programs.

To learn more about relapse prevention programs, and help finding centers, call Drug Rehab Centers White Plains at (877) 804-1531.


Generally, a little over 30 percent of alcoholics and 60 percent of addicts have an episode of returning to alcohol or drug use at some point during their lifetime. The six-month point following addiction recovery is one of the most dangerous periods of time for addicts to revert to drug use.


There are three primary stages that occur when an individual is on the path to resuming drug use. The first stage, which is not always obvious, is emotional relapse, which is followed by mental relapse, and lastly is the physical stage (actively using). These are the signs of each stage of the process:

  • Emotional - When a person is in this stage, they are not doing drugs or drinking and do not consciously think about using. However, they are experiencing unhealthy emotions or thoughts that often lead to the use of drugs. Depression, anger, anxiety and fear are examples of unhealthy emotions.
    • Signs - Mood swings, being defensive or withdrawn, unexplained or inappropriate anger, and being anxious or isolated. If this stage or these signs can be identified before progression, this person has the best chance of staying sober.
  • Mental - When a person is in this stage, he or she is actively considering drug use. An internal war of sorts is being fought, as one part of the addict wishes to use and the other part wants to be sober. A person in this stage can still be helped before using drugs or alcohol. However, intensive therapy may be needed.
    • Signs - Actively thinking about drug use, planning to use drugs or alcohol, making excuses about hanging out with friends who use
  • Physical - A person in this stage is actively seeking drugs or alcohol, and will use or is using. Stopping someone from using at this point is rare. An intervention and appropriate treatment are the best choice at this stage.
    • Signs - Drinking or doing drugs, seeming "high," lying, being secretive or seeing a dealer to purchase drugs

Prevention techniques

Commonly used prevention techniques include:

  • Relaxation techniques - deep breathing, music, yoga, exercise
  • Self-care - eating and sleeping properly, avoiding stress, taking care of mind, body and spiritual needs
  • Distraction - do anything to change the direction of thoughts: a 12-step meeting or sponsor

Drug treatment centers have all-encompassing prevention programs that allow individuals with addiction issues to be a part of their own care, which can be very empowering. By involving and educating the addict, he or she is better prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead following recovery.

Treating relapse as quickly as possible is the best course of action. Call Drug Rehab Centers White Plains today for help finding treatment centers at (877) 804-1531.

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