Dual Diagnosis Treatment White Plains

Over half of people who suffer from addiction have some sort of mental illness or mental disorder. Using drugs or drinking is often a way for people to self-medicate and feel better, even if it's only for a short period of time. A dual diagnosis program is vital in long-term recovery.

What is Dual Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis is used to treat not only addiction, but a coexisting mental health disorder as well. Many people with mental health issues are misdiagnosed or never diagnosed until adulthood. Drug Rehab Centers White Plains can help you find treatment centers. For more information, please call us today at (877) 804-1531.

Mental Health Disorders and Addiction

Most often, a certain type of addiction will accompany a particular mental health issue. This is common because certain types of drugs or alcohol counteract specific symptoms associated with particular disorders such as:

  • Eating disorders and stimulants – Some types of eating disorders are anorexia, comfort eating bulimia. Commonly, people with eating disorders perceive themselves much differently in their minds than their actual physical appearance is. Using stimulants allows a person with an eating disorder to have high energy levels to exercise or curb hunger.
  • Depression and alcohol – People who suffer from depression commonly have feelings of sadness and no self-worth or have been victims of abuse. Drinking allows the person to escape or temporarily forget these issues.
  • OCD and depressants – Obsessive-compulsive disorder causes severe anxiety over small things that are in reality not a threat. However, a person with OCD does not perceive things in a "normal" way. Depressants can help curb obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions.
  • PTSD and opiates/alcohol/marijuana – Post-traumatic stress disorder is caused by a serious trauma such as abuse or war. People with PTSD experience flashbacks and high states of agitation/anxiety. Using marijuana, alcohol and allows the person with PTSD to feel a sense of calm or bliss that is otherwise absent.
  • Anxiety and depressants - Anxiety can make even small issues seem overwhelming. A person may have attacks of anxiety and feel they are dying. Depressants can help a person with an anxiety disorder feel less inclined to worry, causing feelings of normalcy for a short time period.


According to the National Institute for Drug Abuse, up to 60 percent of people who struggle with addiction experience relapse. This can occur at any point during an addict's lifetime, although the first six months following treatment are the most dangerous. Some drugs cause even higher rates of relapse, with meth being the highest at 93 percent.

Treatments Available

  • Psychopharmacology - This type of treatment offers medications to help ease the symptoms of mental health disorders
  • Psychotherapy - During this treatment, the patient learns about his mental health issue, addiction and unhealthy behavior patterns and feelings
  • Behavioral management - This treatment offers a meaningful way for individuals to engage in positive, productive and healthy behaviors through reflection, motivational interviewing and positive reinforcement

Dual diagnosis centers in White Plains offer treatment when needed. This ensures a much higher success rate concerning long-term recovery. Managing addiction issues and mental health problems is possible, with knowledgeable and professional assistance.

Aftercare Services

Following the detox process and rehabilitation, the addict returns to his or her life. This is when the patient is at the highest risk of relapse, which is why after care services are so vital to recovery. Aftercare services involve a faith or non-faith based 12-step program, counseling, therapy and continued assessment.

If you or someone you love is in need of dual diagnosis treatment or other addiction issues, call Drug Rehab Centers White Plains today for help finding the right centers at (877) 804-1531.

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